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Open Space Committee Minutes 06/12/2009
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: June 12, 2009

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:30 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Chris Bourne, Peter Cable, Ted Crosby, Bob DePianta, Evan Griswold, George James, Ted Kiritsis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance. Also present were attorney Stephen Sheehan and engineer Joe Wren to discuss a proposed amendment to the Old Lyme PRCD regulations to permit a development density increase as an incentive to preserve environmentally sensitive areas and employ renewable energy initiatives.

On motion by Ted Kiritsis, second by Chris, the minutes of the May 8, 2009 meeting were approved by vote.

Diana distributed copies of a revised proposed amendment to the Old Lyme PRCD regulations regarding an increased density incentive. Diana noted that the revised amendment contained revisions indicated by the Planning Commission, which had rejected the original proposed amendment. Discussion of the latest proposed amendment was the purpose of the visit by Messrs. Sheehan and Wien.

New Business
a) SJE property fee in lieu of open space
Diana reported that a letter from Edward Cassella addressing an OSC lien on SJE property on Short Hills Road to recover a fee in lieu of open space had resulted in payment of $750 by the property owners.

a) Eklund property
Diana reported that she has filed as an environmental intervenor on the Eklund property proposed subdivision, which means that she will receive notification of all public actions on the subdivision and can appeal all rulings regarding the subdivision. The Planning Commission May public hearing on the Eklund subdivision has been continued to the July meeting. Evan reported that the Wetland Commission found that the subdivision plan has no impact on the wetland as the buildings do not encroach on the 100-foot setback.

Osprey Landing Discussion
Attorney Stephen Sheehan and engineer Joe Wien described the intent and provisions of a proposed amendment to the Town PRCD regulation. The amendment would constitute an additional section (proposed Section 12.9.1) to the regulation that favors use of alternate renewable energy sources for all buildings and promotes an increase in the designated open space. The goal of the proposed amendment is to increase environmental consciousness in development, increase the amount of open space designated and balance the additional costs of these initiatives by increasing the permitted density of housing construction.

The focus of discussion and questioning following the presentation, centered on the tradeoffs, as a basis for sacrificing existing zoning requirement, between increased housing density and increased open space, and on the balance between energy saving realized through renewable energy and increased open space. The sense of the meeting following discussion questioned whether the proposed increase of one house per additional acre of open space was reasonable.

George moved and Evan seconded a motion to not recommend the proposed density increase of one acre of open space for one additional unit. The motion was defeated by unanimous vote.

Bob moved and Evan seconded a motion to propose that Section 12.9.1(a) of the amendment require four additional acres of open space for each additional unit. The motion was defeated by a 5 to 4 vote.

On a motion by George, second by Amanda, it was voted unanimously to table the discussion of the proposed PRCD amandment.

OLCT Report
Christina reported on actions taken by OLCT since the last meeting.

Executive Session
At 11:00, on a motion by Ted Crosby and second by Evan, the Committee voted to go into executive session.  At 11:40, on a motion by Ted Crosby and second by Ted Kiritsis, it was voted to end executive session. It was noted by Ted Crosby that a motion had been made and passed by the Committee in executive session.

Old Business
a) Greenway plan
George reported that the State has incorporated the new Greenway plan crafted by Ted Crosby and him into the State open space plan.

At 11:45, there being no further business, Diana adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable